IoT with Alibaba Cloud – Webinar

Posted on 22 October 2019 by Alberto Roura.
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Learn how your devices can connect to Alibaba Cloud’s Internet of Things (IoT) solution by setting up a simulated IoT device. Have a look to the Webinar I recorded while in Hangzhou at Alibaba’s offices last month.

>> GitHub Repository with the full example

IoT with Alibaba Cloud Webinar - Cirrus Audit

For a modern IT-based enterprise, integrating your hardware into the cloud can be a hassle, you have to figure out how to setup your business processes, IT infrastructure, understand the compliance requirements and know how to safeguard your IP and data. As APAC’s leading cloud provider, Alibaba Cloud can support your entry into the IoT world and smooth out the difficulties when setting up your business. Tune in to learn about what IoT is and about how Alibaba Cloud is helping with the city management in Hangzhou.

In this webinar we will show you some basic concepts like the MQTT protocol and how everything gets integrated into the final infrastructure by using Alibaba’s Funcraft tool, Function Compute and Table Store.

This webinar is for developers and businesses, big and small, that are looking to grow their business on the cloud.

>> Register to watch the IoT Webinar

Original article: IoT with Alibaba Cloud – Webinar.

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